Blog comment spam – the firewall is your friend
My blog was getting hammered by comment spammers, none of them were getting through thanks to Akismet, but still I found it annoying to say the least.
Fortunately, the spamming morons were always coming from two address ranges, so I just dropped their /24 blocks into iptables and now they don't even know that this blog exists any more, as their packets simply disappear into the ether.
So, for peace of mind, drop these two ranges into your server firewall and live a slightly happier, less spamful life.
If you don't know how to do this, ask a responsible adult and / or your server admin.
Naturally, the really scummy comment spammers will use trojaned pcs so this won't help for those purveyors of junk.
[Edited: Blocked comment posting, because, amazingly enough, this entry is the one the spammers like the most]
2 comments October 20th, 2006